This week’s topic is learning to face your fears in the context of your reinvention. Facing a life reinvention head-on can be extremely intimidating, and there are all kinds of fears that come to the surface when we’re trying to work out our path to success and fulfillment.

One of the ways that we can learn to manage these fears and identify them for the role that they play in our reinvention is to understand that there actually two distinct types of fear that can trip us up as we’re negotiating the terms of our reinvention in our heads. I’m talking about functional fears vs. false fears.

Functional fears are the fears that force us to think about the immediate consequences of our reinvention path: “Do I really have the funds to take on a new employee right now?” This is a great example of a functional fear because it’s a fear that forces us to problem solve and harness our creativity to come up with a solution that keeps our dreams moving forward. They force us to grapple with potential negative outcomes that are very real in this moment, and make us consider alternatives that will keep our reinvention moving.

False fears are different, and these are the fears that pose a serious threat to us accomplishing our reinvention and one day experiencing the satisfaction and fulfillment of a sustainable, successful life. False fears come up when we’re imagining any number of potential negative outcomes that are not immediately actionable. They are fears that aren’t putting us in danger in this moment, but instead, they become excuses that we use not to move forward with our goals. You may have the money to hire a new employee now, but you’re worrying endlessly that maybe one day, that money will run out and you won’t be able to afford them anymore.

If you listen to this false fear, you may not hire that new employee at all. Instead of hiring them now to see how growing your team will grow your business, you don’t take the risk at all, and your goals become stagnant. False fears are what I like to call the “what ifs.”

Tune into the podcast this week to hear how you can learn to manage and recognize these different types of fear, and get some great tips on how to power through your false fears and proceed on your path to reinvention fearlessly!

JOIN THE CONVERSATION: How will giving yourself permission to be who you aren’t make you feel more powerful this week?

Read the Transcript

There’s lots more useful information in this episode! Click here to download a complete transcript.

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